slow down, and stay a little longer.

If you are looking to live in a way that feels steady, peaceful, and at ease you are in the right place. Here you will be able to find practices to regularly calm the mind and body - supporting yourself on the path to moving through life in a different, lighter, more meaningful way.

My intention is simple - I offer ways to slow down and bring harmony to life. Calming the mind and body, restoring balance. I like to use the teachings of Yoga, Tantra, and Ayurveda and make them approachable for the everyday person trying to balance work, parenting, life in general.

We must be very intentional about choosing practices and creating a life to counter balance the busyness of the day to day. Remembering the value of the rest, relaxation, stillness, quiet. It is essential to a healthy body, mind and spirit.

Take a look around


For the majority of us, there are certain aspects of our lifestyles that we cannot easily change, such as culture, climate and environment, governments and language. However, we can begin to change and regulate the small habits of our daily lives, and this will naturally lead to bigger changes and the evolution of our personality. ​​​​​​​​
Changing to a holistic yogic lifestyle means replacing the destructive habits that do not bring positivity and health into our lives with nourishing habits that encourage health, positivity and contentment in head, heart and hands.

-Swami Niranjanananda

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